
Chocolate muffins – recipe

Delicious chocolate muffins are welcome at every party and also look great on every laid coffee table.

chocolate muffins

ingredients For 8th Servings

90 G sugar
2 Pc Egg, medium size
200 G Flour
100 G Margarine, soft, or butter
1 Tbsp Cocoa powder
1 Tbsp baking powder
180 G Dark chocolate, divided
1 prize salt
150 ml milk
1 TL vanilla sugar

recipe preparation

  1. For the chocolate muffins first preheat the oven to 180 ° C fan oven.
  2. Now stir the margarine until foamy, then add the eggs, milk and gradually add the sugar.
  3. Mix the flour with the cocoa powder, vanilla sugar, a pinch of salt and the baking powder in a separate bowl and fold into the margarine-sugar-egg mixture. The more air gets under the dough, the more fluffy the chocolate muffins will be.
  4. Roughly chop the dark chocolate and stir into the mixture.
  5. Now put two paper muffin cases into each other and place them on a baking sheet or muffin sheet.
  6. Then fill the muffin molds 2/3 with the batter and bake for about 15 to 20 minutes until they have a firm structure. A cooking test can be made with a toothpick, whereby no dough should be left behind.

Tips to the recipe

If you like, you can manufacture them chocolate muffins Eat warm and dust with a little icing sugar.

If you like, you can cut open the chocolate muffins above, drizzle with a little kirsch and refine with a tablespoon of cherry jam and some whipped cream. This is how you quickly get a Black Forest style chocolate muffin.

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