How do you cook cheaply? – Tips and useful information

1. Buy the right foods
Cheap staple foods
Basic foods such as rice, pasta, potatoes and flour are the basis for an inexpensive and healthy diet at the same time. These can be stored for a long time and can be processed into a wide variety of dishes.
Seasonal fruits and vegetables
Buy local fruit and, above all, seasonal vegetables, because those who buy cyclically and adapt the menu to the season save money – strawberries or asparagus, for example, are a pure export product in winter, while Brussels sprouts are seasonal.
Combine perfectly
Combine price-conscious but versatile products such as eggs, tomatoes and various salads.
2. Please do not eat meat every day
And even if meat or fish is traditionally on the table as an integral part of dishes – from a nutritional point of view, this does not have to be daily.
Who eats meat meals on two to three times a week reduced and only choose the classic fish on Friday, which already has significant savings potential.
A colorful mix of vegetables and dairy products, for example, can be used to compensate for this – then the nutrient proportions are also right.
Tip: grow your own favorite herbs on the balcony or in the flower pot on the kitchen window sill.
3. Well planned is half the battle

Create a meal plan
Cooking cheaply goes hand in hand with good planning. It is best to set up a weekly plan for the entire week, then you can better see which foods you really need.
Helpful shopping list
Make yourself a shopping list, this also saves you from rash additional purchases that mess up your budget.
4. Pay attention to the expiration date
pay attention to the Best before dates – not that the dairy products have expired the next day or that the sausage is dry. However, food with an expired best-before date does not have to be disposed of straight away, because the date only indicates how long the product can be kept – it is best to try carefully to see whether the goods are still in good condition.
Tip: On Friday evenings, many supermarkets clear goods that are due from the shelves on or immediately after the weekend and sometimes offer this at a discount of half – even though it has not yet expired. If it is clear that you can sell the product straight away, then you can get a bargain here.
5. Take advantage of offers
If groceries are on offer, it makes sense to buy more generously, because various foods, such as meat, can be portioned and stored in the freezer if necessary.
Various supermarkets offer many products in cheaper bulk packs – if storage options are available, it can make sense to buy them and freeze them if necessary.
6. Cheaper private labels
In most cases, cheaper no-name products are of the same high quality as the branded product and do not need to hide behind the branded product. Therefore, it can be worthwhile to just try out whether the products also taste good in the cheaper version.
Tip: On the supermarket shelves, the more expensive products are usually in the upper area, offers and inexpensive own brands can be found in the lower area.
7. Save electricity
Cooking cheaply does not only mean paying attention to the price when buying goods; The energy consumption of stoves, ovens and microwaves should also come into focus from time to time.
A lot of things come together that many people don’t think about. Tip: Thawing is also possible at room temperature, for example, it just takes a little longer.
Cooking warm is usually enough once a day. An electric kitchen appliance does not have to be used for every move if herbs can also be chopped well with the chopping knife or the potatoes can be mashed by hand. All of this saves electricity costs – and sometimes also water because of the additional flushing effort.
Cheap cooking for large families
- In order to cook well and cheaply for a large family, it makes sense to have large storage cabinets or a large freezer. In this way, food or canned food can be bought when they are on offer.
- It is also advisable to always cook a little more (cheap) side dishes, such as rice, pasta or potatoes, because these can also be processed the next day. Cooked noodles can be used to make a colorful noodle casserole or jacket potatoes are ideal for a fried potato pan with an egg.
Cooking cheaply as a single
Even in a single household, it is worthwhile to cook fresh and to forego ready-made products. Leftover food can be eaten the next day, for example, or can be super-frozen and removed from the freezer as required. Furthermore, it is advisable to forego wrapped goods such as cheese or sausage and weigh the required amount at the counter